A Sci-Fi style loading screen with a spining spiral on the centre of the screen and a gradient background perfect for any of your Sci-Fi styled projects.

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Sci-Fi loading screen [customizeable]


Put the LoadingScreenScript and the LoadingScreen into ReplicatedFirst
and configure it to your needs by opening the LoadingScreen and opening
the folder named “Configuration”. In order to change a setting click on
a setting and open its properties and changing its value. (Note if you
open a setting you can find a setting related to it)

settings Descriptions:

colour: Change the color of the loading screen. Here are all the avaible colours:

Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Purple, LightBlue

Automtaicly reads the game’s name and puts it on the loading screen. If
off you can configure what is displayed on the loading screen by
opening this setting and writing it in the setting inside.

MinimumWaitTime: Configures what is the minimum time spent in the loading screen when loading into the game

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