Project Delta Menu is a very high-quality menu, which is highly cusotomizable and easy to programme!


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User Interface

SCP: Main Menu


Project Delta Menu

  • Completely animated with UI tweening which includes interactions for when your mouse hovers, etc
  •  Fully scripted and functional
  •  Ability to add a custom sound when a frame is clicked
  •  All frames are fully customizable to your liking
  •  Modern and sleek design
  • Multiple frames including a play frame, loadout, teams, and a shop frame
  • Displays current rank and insignia on the play frame
  •  Displays player character and username in the top right
  • Ability to add an unlimited amount of teams
  • Ability to customize each individual team’s frame
  • Ability to whitelist teams to only certain groups, etc.
  • Ability to adjust each team’s layout order
  • Ability to allow teams to have certain load-outs unlocked
  • ???  Ability to whitelist hats, uniforms, faces, and load-outs to only certain teams
  • Ability to add layout orders for each item in the loadout frame
  • Ability to add certain best-selling or recommended items in the shop
  • Ability to add descriptions and custom images for each shop item

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