This home was made around  year 1245 , don’t be that surprised because there is more in to the house than you think, during a war this house was demolished by the Vikings, lots of lives were taken away by the Vikings , in year 1789 this house  was rebuilt  on a empty  field so then the spirits can rest and not be disturbed , couple years later the empty field had been turned in to a park in 2004 but don’t worry this time the spirits are a lot calmer than before it has turned out that the angry sprits were so angry at the people that had killed them , through out the years they had stayed in the same spot were the house was demolished waiting to get there revenge but the Vikings had never came back to the a little town, because it had turned out that the Vikings were attacking another country but there plan has failed the reasoning of that had been bad luck/payback for the lost lives that been taken by them.


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Medieval House

I just started so the houses will not be enterable but, you can make them enterable within adding a door which can open + a portal in the door frame which will teleport players to a room.

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