This product was not made by me.
I have re-sell permissions for this product. shown below.
Isla Mariposa
This is a very detailed SCPF/Dinosaur map, it comes with a huge beautifully made terrain map with a huge facility underneath, it has a port, airbase and many Easter eggs laid around the map. This is PERFECT for new/medium or even large SCPF groups looking to find a map..
this is also a great map if you are just looking to find systems and assets since its all customly scripted and customly made, the assets are amazing detail and a low part count so lag isn’t a problem.
Comes with 72k+ parts, yet the map is still very detailed and ginormous, Truly a beautiful facility.
I would highly recommend buying this.
Re-sell perm. (Original owner is not selling this, as far as I know I am the only person, Only other person selling this on clearlydev has broken guns and systems…)
Krofle (verified owner) –
I’ll rewrite my review when either my problem(s) are fixed or I’m issued a full refund, the scripts are partially loaded so any meaningful assets you may want are in actuality not useable as the only scripts that work entirely screw over your game meaning you are required to delete about 30% of the scripts and that is just to be able to test out the other scripts so there is no knowledge of how much fully works. Plus if you know nothing about scripting than you’ll probably end up deleting around 80% of your scripts in the game.