Very easy to set up, see below.


  • In the security tab of game settings within studio, you must enable: 
    • Allow HTTP Requests
    • Allow Third Party Teleports
  • Unzip the file you get.
    • In roblox studio explorer, right click ServerScriptService and “Insert from file”
    • Select the ServerHopSystem.rbxm file.
    • Now you will see a folder with a few folders inside it, the folder names tell you where to put things. Easy!


1. Teleportation will not work while in Roblox Studio.

2. Each server will update it’s availability status every 30 seconds.

3. The server region is obtained from “”

  • Sometimes that site will fail to provide a region.
  • I am not responsible for it failing to provide a region.
  • The system will continue to work even if pulling a region fails.

4. I am not responsible for issues that Roblox may encounter with their internal teleportation system.

  • Sometimes Roblox teleportation can take as long as 10 seconds after pushing the button.

5. If you’re using this in a multi-place experience, you must put this in all places, and enable security settings listed above in all places.


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Server List Hopper Selector

  • Put a server list into your game, so players don’t have to leave the game to join a different server
  • Works with single and multi-place experiences
  • Uses a list of pre-generated server name combinations
  • Fully scripted
  • Very easy to use


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