CFB Edmonton, a base for the Canadian Forces, is located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The base is made up of several key installations in Edmonton. The main base is called Steele Barracks in honor of Major General Sir Samuel Benfield Steele of the Northwest Mounted Police. It is also known as Edmonton Garrison.

CFB Edmonton provides infrastructure and support for 47 units in the Edmonton, Yukon, and Northwest regions. There are 4,500 regular soldiers and 500 reserve soldiers residing there. In addition, there are 600 civilian workers, 500 surge forces, and 7,800 family members living on the installation. There are roughly 13,900 persons living in Edmonton who are members of the military community.


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Canadian Forces Base Edmonton

Product Attributes:

– Semi-furnished (interior) buildings
– Ready for your Forces Unit
– Fairly large map
– Top-notch quality

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