Spikestrip/Stinger System, scripted and functioning, comes with integrated item placing scripts, and a high quality tyre pop sound. Comes with a high quality pop sound and tyres function similar to the pictures provided. All for a great price.

Rotateable, Placeable, Removable. Pops vehicle tyres efficiently and easily.

1 review for Spike strip/Stinger System

  1. 1511622558 (verified owner)


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Original price was: £0.99.Current price is: £0.47.
Original price was: £1.99.Current price is: £1.49.
Original price was: £0.99.Current price is: £0.48.
Original price was: £1.99.Current price is: £1.49.
Original price was: £0.99.Current price is: £0.49.

Spike strip/Stinger System

Spike strip/Stinger System, scripted and functioning, comes with integrated item placing scripts, and a high quality tyre pop sound.

All modelled in blender, so high quality and lag free!

(1 customer review)

3.57 out of 5

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