This easy to install top bar UI contains the necessities you need for your game. It includes: a team changer, a gamepass store that is required to be modified by user, settings and a clock.

3 reviews for Fully Scripted Top Bar UI with Settings and Team Changer

  1. .a_c.1 (verified owner)

    The topbar works absolutely amazing. I would recommend purchasing this creation considering its free and works very well!

  2. 118669399 (verified owner)



  3. kitty_026 (verified owner)

    Good product for free, defiantly recommend

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Fully Scripted Top Bar UI with Settings and Team Changer

– Team Changer

– Topbar UI containing the ingame time and player username + icon

– Gamepass store that requires modifying by user

– Settings

– Easy to install

(3 customer reviews)

5 out of 5

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